Past Honorees


2019 In Memoriam

Jack Nolan

  • 20 February 2019
  • Author: David Madison
  • Number of views: 2377
2019 In Memoriam

Jack Nolan was a lifelong Rochesterian. Born in 1939 to John and Patricia Nolan, he was the eldest of six children. Jack attended Our Lady of Good Counsel grammar school and West High School. As a young man, he loved to dance and was an excellent ice skater and swimmer. He was a lifeguard at Charlotte Beach and Genesee Valley Park where he taught his younger siblings how to swim. After graduation, he joined the Army and served both state side, and in Japan. In 1982, he married Ginger Spiegel. He was often heard to say, " went on a date and never came home". They were married for 35 years. They were a happy and active couple and were involved in a variety of service organizations. Jack was a member of the Knights of Columbus, very active in the American Legion and was a long-time member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH). The Hibernians honored Jack in 2013 for his dedication and hard work with their Kelly McGill award, which he treasured, displaying it proudly on his mantel. Jack always had a smile. He was a funny, gentle, caring man and people wanted to be around him. He was a regular at St. Patrick's Day parades for many years, carrying on a family commitment in memory of his deceased brother Timothy. His father was Grand Marshal in 1986 and his brother Bob was Citizen of the Year in 2005. As his Hibernian brothers said at his wake, "To a True Gentleman and proud Hibernian. Our time together was an honor. You will be sorely missed. As you lived, so we close, in our motto: Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity. Ar dheis De go raibh a anam". (May his soul be at God's right hand) We are proud to honor Jack Nolan as one of our “In Memoriam” honorees for the 2019 TOPS St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

Categories: Honorees
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