This is a family event and we expect that dignity will be preserved by the enforcement of all rules and regulations as outlined herein, and officials will be strict in their interpretation thereof. No Vulgar, Non-family-friendly Signage, Clothing, Music, etc will be allowed. No alcoholic beverages or illegal substances will be allowed on or near any vehicle or to be used by any parade participant. Violation of this rule will automatically result in the removal of your unit from the parade and possible banning from future events.
Safety Agreement
Throwing or selling of candy, beads, or any items from vehicles, floats, marchers, or participants along the parade route is STRICTLY PROHIBITED - NO EXCEPTIONS! This creates a dangerous situation for youngsters running into the road and the potential for serious injury. Items may be handed out curbside only. Your participation in next year’s parade may be denied if your group is identified as having ignored this agreement for participation in the parade.