Rince Na Tiarna
“Rince na Tiarna (Gaelic for ‘Lord of the Dance’) maintains a standard of excellence that is only possible through a deep respect for themselves and their art form. Established in 1986, the school has taught thousands of dancers, turning beginners into champions! RNT has won countless regional, national, and international titles in both solo dancing and team dancing. Their achievements and influence have echoed far beyond the boundaries of the local Irish community. Rince na Tiarna has become a leader among Irish dance schools nationwide.
The family-oriented school teaches students from five to young adult while nurturing pride in Gaelic culture. Students are encouraged to pursue performance, traditional and competitive dancing at “their own pace.” From beginner to champion, hard work, creativity, and fun generate a certain spirit and style that is unique to Rince na Tiarna. The school enjoys giving back to the community by offering performances throughout the year for senior centers, hospitals, and other community organizations.
For more information regarding classes, please visit www.irishdancewny.com. Classes are held in Gates, South Buffalo, Williamsville, Hamburg, East Aurora and Erie, PA.